Dear Mr Taxman PartII

Dear Mr Taxman

it’s been 3 days since my last confession and I thought you just may be missing me a little.
Since I last wrote I took on some good advice and to improve my home filing system I have adopted the Japanese tradition of de-cluttering. The Japanese hold each item individually and if it brings them joy they keep it and if not they discard it. I must say this is working very well for me as this week I have thrown out a gas bill and my self assessment tax return form.
I do hope you will understand

Yours faithfully

Carol Wilson

PS when I say ‘confession’ I am not referring to importing duty free cigarettes and alcohol, they are for personal use only. (OK I gave up smoking 12 years ago but one never knows when one may need a cigarette), nor am I implying that I have any dodgy dealings or offshore accounts!

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  1. Oh Carol,
    That with the Japanese tradition seems to be an interesting way. But how about with your lover ( in case you have one?? ) Do the Japanese hold him individually and if it brings them joy they keep it and if not they discard it????

    Would be a new way in any case but would it be recommendable?? Let us hear more of your experience! Regards Michael

    1. Now there is a thought you could extend to to all areas of your life, husbands, wives, teenage children, bankmanagers, taxmen, politicians ….. although it may seem a little forward holding your bankmanager and/or taxman although going on what I read the politician may thoroughly enjoy it!

  2. Carol, having read your progressions of misifs to the tax man I cannot but come to the conclusion that, having dug yourself one hell of a hole with this last one (cigs, booze, illegal overseas accounts) that you should desist from any further communications with him for fear that the potential prison sentence may get even longer than I currently estimate it will amount to.