Coffee in Town

I live on the edge of town, at Sunrise Park in a comfortable mobile home. It’s old but it keeps me warm and dry. It’s supposed to be just for senior residents but bit by bit I’m seeing more young folks quietly moving in. They come and go, kinda temporary I guess. Times are hard, rent is high everywhere, and most of them are moved in with their parents or grandparents, or subletting for awhile. They have to keep a low profile because as far as I know the management is real strict and clear about age restrictions. One of the young fellas that was here for awhile, his name was Douglas, he was real friendly and he used to help me out quite a bit clearing weeds and hefting stuff around. I’d make coffee and we’d set and talk. One day he told me the coffee I made was some of the worst he’d ever had! He just insisted that day to drag me into town to get a coffee from a shop. We went to the Outdoorsman on Main Street and had cappuccinos. That was the first time in my life I’d tried that and I was bowled over by the price of one cup of coffee. I could have bought a ham sandwich at the Circle K for that but I have to admit that coffee was pretty good. Better than the stuff I make for sure. That was a real good day. Douglas had to move on, he was only staying with his great-aunt for a short time until he could afford a place of his own. He’s out in Tonopah now and I do plan to one day get out there for a visit. It was good of him to encourage me to get out more. I go to the Outdoorsman once a week for a coffee now.

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  1. Hi lou, lots of the young today get a bad press, so unfair………they are more in touch with the present day than sometimes we perhaps are, they have lots to offer and teach us, not least of all techy stuff………and now you have been introduced to the delights of real coffee thanks to your young friend, not that I can comment on the taste of coffee, i have never drunk coffee or tea, but i do love the aroma of coffee…xx

  2. Lou, I like this blog a lot. The generations have a lot to teach us and a lot to offer and we also have a lot to share with them.
    as for coffee it has been my favorite beverage for 53 years. It is easy and cheap to make good coffee at home. If you want Starbuck’s you can buy it at the super market or order it on the internet. Buy a good coffee and get a Mr.
    coffee coffee pot. If you want to spend more money, you can buy a fancy new Keurig, but the coffee in NOT any better. A friend insisted on buying me a Keurig, and the grandchildren love it, but I don’t. Cappucino offers me only diluted coffe but I love almost anything with coffee. You have your weekly trip to enjoy but you need good coffee every day.

  3. Lou, I believe things happen for a reason, Douglas was meant to cross your path, even if for just a short time. You now have the outing to the Outdoorsman to look forward to each week and the prospect of visiting Douglas in Tonopah in the future