chatroom Convo, Talking Reimagined

chatroom Convo, Talking Reimagined

I am following two recent blogs on Chat room issues. It just occurred to me that finally the art of conversation has returned after the dark ages since television arrived in homes. Hey, TALKING AND WRITING is BACK. Hallelujah.

So, we jumped into a chat room and some of us feel like a resident ALIEN This site has old fashioned writing and people over 50 can manage it, but many of us are talking to strangers and we may or may not play by the rules, and WHAT ARE THE RULES any way?

This site has a few rules, but that leaves a lot of leeway. Hey, back in the day, as the young ones say, how many bad parties did you go to? A lot, is the answer. I never gave a bad party. I put out plenty of food and drink, cleaned before and during and did not have time to talk much, and the hubby took hats and coats and helped and was a great mixer of drinks and conversation. I am a big talker, but had no time for much talk, had to keep an eye on LONERS and food and drink refills, and any other assistance. Well, I did not have hired help and I was young and energetic and SOME WORK had to be DONE.

The chat room is place to CONVERSE , BUT to have a good one YOU have to DO SOME WORK yourself. The web site admins all want you to be happy and enjoy yourself. Within reason and normal common sense you have to manage to FIT YOURSELF into the group and MAKE YOUR OWN FUN.

I can’t say I am blessed with a great gift of GIFT Of GAB. I can say that I take “full respnsibility” for myself and am trying to learn as I go. I skipped that tutorial when I joined and it may have helped. DUH. I was ready to CHAT, NOT STUDY when I came. I did study the party books BACK IN THE DAY

To sum it up, we are a bunch of old dogs who need to LEARN SOME NEW TRICKS and we are NOT too inclined. After all, we are reclined and retired.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Senior Chatters

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  1. Some of that Rose, I had said on the other chat thread when I mentioned we needed to be assertive/proactive. But it’s not easy for certain personality types, especially if someone is new to chats.

    Be persistent and open minded and try not to take offence too easily. Sometimes a lack of response can be due to someone missing a comment on a screen (happens especially to those who have to look at their keyboard to type).

    Unfortunately, sometimes it’s also just due to uncaring/rude individuals. I said chats are not for the faint hearted and I stand by that. You have to have a bit of a thick skin though no one should be subject to actual abuse.

    That should be reported and hopefully addressed by the ones in charge.

    I’ve no problems per se as I’ve been online for years and used chats on and off as well. And with a naturally assertive personality the only thing that gets to me is some of the nastier types. And they’re there alright, make no mistake.

    I tend to avoid them as a confrontation would ensue and everyone then is made uncomfortable. But there are enough pleasant, nice individuals in this site’s chats that most can enjoy themselves.

  2. Thanks for this Rose .
    Very new to chatting and the whole social media thing……..
    I have found it all great fun, and into the bargain learning a good deal.
    At the end of the day ,though, you only get out what you put in and everything needs working at ……………
    Must admit I do find myself wondering what people sound like(speaking voice)
    I have to apologize profusely for all the typos,and wish I could type faster in the chat rooms.
    Thoroughly enjoying all the company here and folks never fail to amaze me.
    I think we have a higher average of amazing people on SC’s

    1. Gael,some things bear repeating.If we say thing repeatedly at regular intervals then some people will evolve and learn. I know I have a lot to learn and appreciate all opinions expressed on this subject.

  3. nice to see what i had stated was taken to heart in what i had to say, so time was not wasted after all, ha ha ha , often think if I say too much i might be annoying some , but sometimes somethings need to be said … and it,s so nice to see that suggestions are taken on board in such a positive way … bless your little hearts …xxx

  4. I confess to having been put off by my initial visits to the chat room. Nobody seemed at all interested developing anything approaching a conversation. I realize that the participants are all very familiar with one another, but kidding seems to be the only currency and wall to wall kidding gets tiresome pretty quickly, but that’s my opinion because everyone else seemed to be having a grand time.

    1. Bart , try private chatting ,it’s live as in a chat room but it’s one on one ,you could have a conversation without the interruption of people getting in and out of the chat room /s and would be easier and more personal .
      Private chatting puts people off sometimes because they think that being “private “may mean “more than chatting ” which it’s not true …
      I use private chatting and blogs as a way of communicating . I’ve been a member on here for more than 4years ,and although I’ve tried the chat rooms I had same experience as you …so these days I hardly ever go into the chat rooms …there’s plenty to do on this site to get yourself busy and entertained …best wishes 🙂