chat room gossip

Chat Room Gossip I would like to take this opportunity to explain to one and all why I had not been in chat for some time. I lost all my computer work and owing to family problems, losing my Mother, my younger brother put into induced coma. Being part of it, when my family problems settled I decided to come back online. However with computer records lost I had to rejoin and needed Rob’s help to reinstate my life membership. I contacted a member who in my absence from site had become part of admin team. So yes an admin did help me getting Rob to reinstate my membership. I was so looking forward to coming back and getting the music room going again as I had set it up a few years back. When i came back I found out someone else has taken over and running his show. Then all the rumours started that a certain admin had asked me back. I can only say that without the help of this admin I would not be here. That’s good some may say, so now over the past few weeks there has been so much misinformation spread, that I was brought back to make trouble, let me assure you, these rumours have come from people I thought were friends, they are so intent in causing trouble in chats they need to be stopped before we lose more members. I also believe others know who they are and need to speak to them. Yes you may say I am an arrogant person but when a lot is pointed at me I will defend myself and those around me. As for admin in here I find them helpful and friendly. No one person should have the right to control a room as we members have the right to choose who we wish to chat to and to which room we go to. The vendetta against me and admin need to stop now, we have two music programmes, one DJ-Gav has and the one I have, Coral Coast Radio. I am only on 3 times a week, DJ-Gav is every day, one of my 3 clashes with DJ-Gav. Instead of backbiting and lying and rumours, let us work together, respect each other. I only hope this blog will settle things down in chat rooms. I will defend myself and my real friends all the way.Ok lets set things right in regards to the music room that room was formed a long time ago by myself in talks with rob the owner of chat, it was set up in the main chat room then, but some members who thought it would be better to have its own room we then made the music room and that was when the original music room started I think it was about 5 or more years ago it was set up so all members could listen to a radio program I hosted called coralcoastradio it is a community radio station and I have been with them for well over 14 years I have no conflict with DJ-GAV it is all about the lies and rumors going around that I am trying to stop the music room I don’t see a problem with either room but I would like all the lies and hatred aimed at me and admin to stop and stop the lies about admin they do a great job I just wish those who believe they own the music room would stop telling lies it was and will always be for the members I am sick of being called the bad guy all the time 

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  1. Well said Whip! I agree, one has a choice of which room to go to and I enjoy the choice now of listening to you or Gav, depending on time and other things. I must be the only member that hadn’t heard of any rumours. Oh well. To you and Gav ….. bring on the music!!!

  2. Hello Whipps…… would think it would clear the misunderstandings up…….but don’t hold your breath……….people love gossip and will still choose to put their own slant on things…….just have to roll with it till the gossips move on to the next victim……

  3. Do not bother about the gossip. I seem to remember another person used to do music years ago, but then I could be wrong, I never visit the chat rooms anyway.I think the original bloke was called, Ron.

  4. OMG ! I am so sorry Whip. As I just mentioned in a Blog by tania that I can’t understand the nastiness that goes on in a Senior Site. I have not encountered any nastiness, but I am aware that past and present Admins have, and some of the old members and Admins have, unfortunately, left the Site. This is sad. At our ages we should be able to live in harmony, to share, and enjoy this wonderful Site. Take care xoxo

  5. Hey Ho Whippy. I am so sorry that you have gone through a very tough time, and hope all is a bit better now. I dont come here very often now, and never go in the chat rooms so I have no idea of rumours and lies and I wouldnt listen to them anyway. People need to grow up and before they use their fingers to put people down, they need to look at themselves because to do such things, they are seriously in need of help. Bless you xx