blog virgin

i’m not sure how blogs are meant to be, so i will just try this one. Hope fully i wont get banned lol.

I remember when i was young and knew it all, and thought old people had amnesia. I met a man who i thought was a bit strange. He was older than me, and by far less popular, with the guys i worked with and local girls. I thought he needed my help, and me being me i thought i’d be a good samaritan. I took pity on him, tried to fix him up with girls with bad eyesight, and teach him jokes. I thought he’d appreciate my help (I didn’t know what condescending meant then), but he was slightly unappreciative. However i tried, and wondered why i started listening to this ungrateful bugga, after all it was i who was all knowing. Then he told me something i remember quite often,something so right but i didn’t at the know time how right, i wish i had.
He said. “Ken i know what you’r doing, and in a strange way i appreciate it.” I knew he should of,he went on “I’m past being Mr popular, I’m not a ladies man, I can hardly read and write.” That didn’t surprise me, everyone said he was thick. “But i try to be kind, i fail often but i still try.” He told me.
“Why” i said. “we are not kind to you.”
“Maybe one day you will be.” He told me. “My mother always told me to try and be kind, she was the kindest woman i ever knew.” He said. ” If you can’t be kind try and be nice, my mother always tried to be nice and so shall i until the day i die, because i loved her so much.”
Then a really nice looking girl came in and i forgot what he said, but i have thought about it often, i wonder why, i can’t be as good as that man.

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  1. Just the fact that you posted this, shows me that you do have a kind heart and you think about life and how to be a better person. It also proves what I have always believed, we just never know who we might meet, that will teach us a life lesson, even when we least expect it. Thanks for sharing this. it’s heartwarming.

  2. Lovely and simple but so profound. We all have been guilty of it. We do often seek out the bright and sparkling and ignore the less visible ones for the ones that dazzle and often we end up missing the gold that is around us all. Kindness lasts and so does being nice, glowing quickly dulls and sparkle often does not last.

  3. Well posted easyguy – and that was one wise man – even if he couldn’t read or write.. and the fact that we can look back and learn something from Life means that we too grow in understanding and hopefully tolerance….. thanks for

  4. Nice posting easy, thanks for sharing. How could we look past a blog with your name attached.? lol. You are one of the best………Look forward to reading your next posting xxxx

  5. well,easy..i don’t have much of a social life so i have plenty of time to read blogs…and not only did i read yours, i liked it..thanks for sharing..

    p.s. i agree that you’re a good ‘un..xx