Bluebells and Angels

I hear the bluebells singing in the mountains sounding like God’s heavanly angels whispering on sweet breezes. Bringing love,hope and peace to all that take the to listen. Lilies and lilacs want the sun to come out and play. but the sun wants to play peek-a-boo with the mountain Valleys. Song birds are a singing the morning in with sweet loving harmany. Poppies and wild roses sway as if dancing to a pure clear melody. With love in your heart the dreams of your soul can be set free to fly and be redeemed. For only love can truly set you free. Crow are a flying with wings spread gracefuly casting a spell of enchantmet on the valleys below. When a wise old crow lands on a boulder resting next to an oak tree that kisses the heavens above in its regalness. The crow says as plain as day “I have brought you a gift of love from your Father above. I will always love you and remember each day is always new”. I asked the crow why the Father sent such a message to me and he repled “you can hear the bluebells singing but you knew they were the angels of love, hope, and peace. With wings spread wide the crow took flight to where the bluebells were singing .

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  1. Lovely, cooldreams.

    Nice to see the crow back in favour too. Not since Thought and Memory where the Norse gods’ messengers has that poor bird had any good press