Another finger another update!!!

Thanks to all my chatter friends in chat tonight ref my finger which is the saize of a sausage……

I went to A and E, just got back and the Dr said it would appear I have been bitten by ‘something’, he has given me antihistamines and antibiotics, then he got a green marker pen and dres round the base of my finger and said, if the swelling goes below that to go back……

So hopefully with the other 2 injuries to my fingers and now this injury that totals 3, and as they say it comes in three’s….phew, all withinn a couple of months…….

But on a good note blood pressure they said is perfect, and correct weight and height!!!!………

Thanks my friends once again!!!!!

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  1. I have come to the conclusion that Debz needs our support and also close watching.

    Folks, I think she’s trying to commit suicide, but doesn’t have the guts, so she’s doing it a bit at a time, lol

    Lord sake, lady, be more careful!!!!!

  2. Hahaaaa, Way!!! …. I’m very concerned for her well-being, also!! …Some intervention is required here, I think! lol …..Oh, Debz…please be careful, my friend…I am worried about you….lol xxx

  3. Debz, you should remember what they say…if you have an injury on the left hand, bandage the right,….. it is sods law you will knock the bad one again lol x

  4. debz needs to be fitted with a bubble wrap suit..was fist thinking of packing her in a box full of those foam packing peanuts but breathing might be an

  5. Oh debz I just read this blog – so sorry my dear friend. Please take care of yourself or as suggested we will have to pack you in something to keep you safe lol xoxoxox

  6. Well thank you all for you comments and suggestions….I’m taking them all on board…..

    Way you are very preceptive lol!!!

    kat…well I have decided bubble wrap may be the way to go… new decor for the garden, home and my car lol!!!

    My home is beginning to resemble a hospital with all the medication I seem to be accumalating!! hehe
