On our TV News tonight in my State of N.S.W., Australia, it was reported that an American Iraq War Veteran, who lost all 4 limbs in Iraq in a roadside bomb explosion, had undergone a double arm transplant. He was reported as being aged 26. This young soldier’s courage and positive outlook for his future was truly remarkable. It will take at least 2 years for him to get maximum movement in his arms, and he was very determined to get to this. He was also given bone marrow from the donor, which means he will have to take less medication for his recovery. He was extremely grateful to the donor and the donor’s family, and to the skilled medical team who performed these procedures.

Our servicemen and women are sent into these war zones knowing that they may be killed or injured. I can’t even try to imagine what goes through their minds in these situations, and to what horrors confront them. Again, I can’t imagine what would have gone through this young soldier’s mind as he was being blown up, if anything at all, and then to the realization on consciousness that he had lost all 4 of his limbs. It is just too horrendous to contemplate.

On the other end of the scale, I am fascinated by what can be done by these skilled medical teams. It is mind-blowing. It gives so much hope now to these kinds of injuries.

I am so glad this soldier has received this wonderful gift. In my opinion, our soldiers deserve to be treated with respect, and given all the help they need when coming back home. They are prepared to give their lives to makes ours safer.

I wish this young soldier all the best in his rehabilitation, as well as other servicemen and women who have been injured both physically and emotionally.

God bless our soldiers and all those skilled medical people who are involved in putting them back together again, and to those wonderful people who donate their bodies to save others. Their gift is truly priceless.

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  1. This has been posted for a few months, but I just saw it. It is very touching. I have never had any close family members that have been in war. But I have great respect and appreciation for people in the military This story touches me even more, I think, because my oldest child, only son, will be 26 next month. Thanks for sharing this.