Why oh why do some people go on about age……..hear phrases from people like ” I should know better at my age “….or ” I’m too old for that “………somebody tell me, is there a cut of point for doing certain things in your life………certain activities maybe………but speaking for myself, i feel no different in my mind than i did years ago……..i still react the same to matters of the heart, still have the same sense of humour, my faults are the same one’s i have always had…..maybe i should have learnt from them…….well i didn’t…….get over it…..hehe…x

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  1. Good morning Star,
    I am convinced to believe humans can do nearly everything at every age. Except illness interferes the intensions. But beginning at a certain age humans get more
    cautious and scared than in their adolescence. Let me compare it with driving a car. As much older one gets as more careful people drive.
    But Star we are not in a hurry any more, are we? xxxM

  2. Michael really do agree with you on the driving…….sheesh………my hearts in my mouth at some of the antics you see on the road………but has to be said not all from the elderly……..maybe they are over cautious……….but many of the young driver’s not cautious enough………but i understand the point you are making……i’m certainly in no hurry……..nice and easy does xxx

    1. Everything Star takes it’s time. And often things which are be done taste like a piece of chocolate in the mouth. Any of us needed 9month to be born why also should we hurry when we are getting older. Doesn’t it gives us things we relish more satisfaction? xxxM

    2. the only thing that can inhibit ageing people wonderfully intelligent ,maybe have slowed a little, are atitude,and health constraints,most are wonderfully exiting to listen too, when I was teaching health and fitness day meeting rooms,in an age care hospital, I found some of the super human people some over the age of 90 stilll doing there and own cooking, housework , still enjoying their social outings and still going on long journeys over seas,one lady and her friend at 87 were going to peru to climb Machu pichu,so I am aware that age does not weary them , god bless them xxx.

  3. Precisely ozzy, we think old, we become old……..surely there has to be more to talk about other than health, medication, hospital visit’s……..the company we keep determine our mood………. now i know there are times when we have to be empathetic………..but be around negative people too long and they will bring your mood down……….nope…… intention is to meet as many people as i can…….get different opinion’s and perspectives on life……

  4. I have always maintained that “age” is only an ever increasing number about which you can do nothing, while “old” is all in the head.

    I feel no different, in my head, than I did at, say, 35.

    Brian Adams got it right with a song title “18 till I die” lol

  5. To be absolutely honest, I hardly ever think of my age, I’m blest with excellent health, tons of energy and lead a full and busy life. I’m lucky…and I know it.
    I intend to grow old disgracefully and enjoy every minute!

  6. In lots of cases the mental attitude determines the physical well being……..not all cases i know, but in many fighting illnesses they are to told to have a strong positive outlook, can do no harm…….

  7. I think most people write about what they know the most about.. if you are 100 years young,, I would think you know a lot about age,, of course if you are sixteen you more than likely thinking about the opposite sex.. That my thoughts on this anyway.. Lou

  8. Lol lol Lou,not a hundred years old NO !!……….i would think all of us in here know a good bit about life…… we learn from it, i don’t know…………and age does not determine whether we think about the opposite sex or not……….just pop into the chat room, the flirting that goes on in there…OH MY !! all innocent fun of course. xx

    1. lol.. I know when I was 16teen I thought a lot more about girls than I did,, lets say at 61,, I was into tractors, hay fields and price of cattle.. Now I think about supper.. I know a lot about supper time.. lol..Lou

  9. nothing so say…….. except what a nice bunch of people you all are, mind you l hate it when my 3 boys say hiyer pops or even pops l love you, yeppers they still do,lol