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  1. no listen to good advice but dont always follow trough on it, Star, don,t give advice , usually listen and that way most people figure it out for themselves, last pieceof advice I recieved,I didnt listen and was hurt by my best friend,anotherfriend told me never to trust friend 1 and i didnt listen.

    1. Lani, “mostly listen” is good. You are so right about that. Most people with a problem need a listener, and they need caring and concern and support. instead of giving advice, it becomes a sorting out process.

      1. Rose, I agree. Speaking for myself, the talking or writing out process helps me sort out my thoughts and emotions. A trusted family member or friend who mainly listens (reads) and comforts is such a blessing at a time like that.

      1. So true Star, it was a lesson welll learned ,i am the kind of person that sees very little bad in anyone , too loving,too trusting, and sometimes a little reality does a person like me some good.

  2. Just because someone gives advice, does not mean it has to be taken. Its good to ask people what they would do in a particular situation, only to get a wider scope of options.
    I find it strange that some people get annoyed if another does not take the advice given, after all, its only a suggestion.
    In the end, its up to the troubled person what they will do.

    1. polly pie, are you having trouble translating my paragraphs ?ha ha I leave all the i,s if,s and but,s out when i,m writing ha ha ha and commas. you need an Aussy translator for my writings .lol xxx.

    2. PollyPie, isn’t it what we women love to do………..get together, put the world to right’s,sort out each other’s problem’s , have a damned good giggle, and part happier and merrier ( courtesy of the wine ) nothing has changed in our world but it dosen’t seem to matter so much anymore…….a problem shared and all that……….laughter and wine the best theraphy. xx

  3. I don’t think that at our age we are expected to follow any advice …as we are old enough to make our own decisions …having said that however …I appreciate comments and suggestions and learn a lot from them …when I pour my heart out in a blog or a poem and people comment on them …just to know that they have taken the time to read and write a comment on it …it’s of immense value to me .

    1. nmod, i think if someone has taken the time to write a blog it is always nice to comment………after all there would be no blog page without the blogger’s……..all adds to keeping the site interesting………some people read and comment………some don’t, no problem, the option is theirs………..i feel that i get to know the chatter’s a little better by what they write. xx

  4. Starlette this is interesting. I have asked for advice on SC blog and I have followed it. I find SC members understand, are interested and not judgemental. I have a friend who is the opposite. What kind of friend is that? Not a good one, but I have known her for about 30 years. I just decided not to tell her much. She doesn’t even listen, asks questions like a prosecutor, and then gives her mean spirited”advice”of what she would do.

    1. With friend’s like that, who need’s enemies……..stick with your friends in here Rose,i’m sure the opinions and advice you are given are genuine and well meant. xx

  5. Oh God Star you have opened a barrel of wine that one likes and other dislike.
    Let me give you that picture on the subject. The Internet replaces friends good or bad ones. If someone needs an advice they search for it but most of the suggestions found here are fakes. Payed suggestions by people or companies who have deep interests in publishing their experience.
    But in fact a good an reliable advice from a trustful friend is always welcome on my side. But where in our time to get or to find a trustful friend from????????
    People are egoists! A fact that will be confirmed by the answer/s one gets.
    Out of my own view it’s better to take a risk than asking someone for a bad advice. If things don’t turn out as I’ve expected I’ve to blame myself for being an
    idiot in that situation. That makes life much more comfortable so I don’t have to think about the bad advice I got nor the person who gave it to me.

  6. And my advice to you Michael would be……….come share a couple bottles of wine with me……….ermm, would you see this as good or bad advice…..hehe xxx

    1. That’s Star is the best advice I’ve ever got. Perhaps I’m going to the UK I’ll come around. ! Hope you have the bottle opener and I don’t forget the wine !xxxback

  7. One of the most useful advisements I ever received came to me in a little verse.
    “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese” This seems to apply once again in the realm of this blog. mmmmmmmm……..

      1. Bazz, I had forgotten the advise about easting yellow snow….. thanks for the reminder!!! Here’s is another positive verse…. “Always drink upstream from the herd” kinda goes with the yellow snow…….. 😛

  8. Bloom, I find that my chatter friends are the most sensible people I have had the privalidge to meet and be associated with, a few have listened when I was hurting and they were there not only to listen ,but to help and support me , hats off to those wonderful friends on chatter.xxxx((((hugs)))

  9. What was the best piece of advice you were ever given: you’re craze not to marry that girl.., and worst piece of advice you were ever given: you’re craze not to marry that girl.. hum,, lol.. Lou

  10. This is a great topic for a blog, Star!

    I have two rules about giving advice. 1. Only give it if asked directly for it. 2. I might ask if I may offer advice to a very close friend or family member. They must be people whom I feel already trust me.

    I think we earn a place in people’s lives, through relationships, to be in a position to give/receive advice. Even then, cautiously.

    1. I will give advice if asked…………but i will always say, it maybe not what you want to hear……..same with opinion’s……..don’t ask if you don’t want my true take on it xx

  11. Best advice………..get married (got me away from my family)

    Worst advice………get married (got me from the frypan straight into the fire. 14 minutes to get into, 14 years to get out of)