A problem shared………chatters help me…..

Now as you all know, in my role of Mistress Starlette agony aunt, I do my upmost to help people and solve their dilemma’s………. but i have just received a message from a guy who wishes to remain anonymous ,you will soon understand why………my replies are done tongue in cheek…..lol and maybe this guy with the problem is having a laugh, but with your help I will endeavour as always to help in a constructive sensible fashion…he he……….so here goes, he tells me he has been a closet transvestite for a number of years…….. feels he can no longer lead this double life……..needs to come out in the open………his wife is beginning to notice items of her clothing being stretched and pulled out of shape…ermm I didn’t ask……….her skintone is somewhat fairer than his, so her make up ( slap ) does not really enhance his swarthy complexion, I have suggested the NO NO razor to help with the removal of the beard……..oh……..and does anyone know where he can purchase supersize fishnet stockings and double D bras……..

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  1. Dear Mistress Starlette,

    I suggest in the interest of salvaging what’s left of his wife’s wardrobe and hopefully what’s left of his marriage as well, that he come out of the closet (both literally and figuratively speaking).

    Your humble servant,
    Laurie xx

  2. Dear Mistress Starlette,

    I suggest that this man be truthful with his wife and try to save his marriage. If he looks in the closet he may find all he needs.


    1. You could be right Tania…….but speaking for myself personally…….rightly or wrongly, I just know I could never accept being married to a transvestite…….nope, my makeup and perfume belongs to me, and me only………not having a guy smelling better than I do…he he xx

  3. I’m sorry this guy is still hiding in the closet,how long has he been a transvestite?….it must be very difficult for him,and I believe he should come clean with his wife,….but he needs to prepare himself for rejection,…or it may be the opposite,and she may embrace it,and they could go girly shopping together,…why does he need a double d bra?..and what’s he going to put in them,you can buy chicken like fillets,a bit like the silicone implants,…does he wear g.strings,I have plenty,and can send him some if he likes,lol,…good luck to him,lol.xx

    1. Flowersun, I think maybe he would need the whole chicken to fill the double d bras …………the G Strings, know more commonly as cheesecutters, think these could present a problem for him, but I will pass on your kind offer, would be a start for his lingerie drawer, and if he offered to share them with his wife may go a good way into getting on her compassionate side ……thankyou for your advice….xx

  4. My dearest be loved Aunty Star,

    may I offer you and your unknown friend little help from good old Germany? You have a store in England called ** buy big, pay little **. Here he may finds everything that covers his needs.
    And as it concerns your perfume he can wear the same label like you do but he will never ever smell as attractive like you. Why? Every perfume has an individual smell on different type of skin. So if you don’t get up to closed on him there will be no point to worry about.

    Just in case my words have not persuaded you please let me know and I’ll give you the name of my eau de toilette. As always your nephew xxxM

  5. Well hello Michael, how good to see you again, the store supplies to transvestites I presume, the thing he is really struggling to get in his size are the fishnet stockings, but my friend Debbie maybe able to help here, she lives in ozz and my anonymous messenger is an ozzy too……the perfume Michael, no chance that I will be getting close to this she/man……….and I’m absolutely sure that your eau de toilette smells devine on you…….Yours as ever starlette…xxx

  6. Dear Star,
    a problem shared is a problem halved is it that what you were going to say? Now you have half of the problem which I like to share with you.
    Fishnet stockings, fishnet stockings they lead me to the idea he may find them
    Brighton, Worthing, Bognor Regis or other nice place like this. Here he find little
    fishing armada and the fisher themselves neat nets, and net, and nets.
    Whereas we have the end of tourist season and the shop owner are happy if they
    can sell left over from this season. So he may makes a bargain? And if he is on the way there he can also have an outlook of next year fashion now.

    Does my proposal helps you solving your part of the problem??? xxxM

  7. Ermm Michael, that idea seems a bit fishy to me……..now I know he is searching for a larger size……..but the size of nets they use to catch ruddy great shoals of fish in is a bit extreme don’t you think……..but I think he would like strolling around the arcades in Brighton…….thankyou for your help…xxx

  8. Sounds suspect to me. But assuming for the moment, he’s sincere.

    He has bigger problems then his wardrobe and he needs to face his sexuality and talk with his wife. The outcome will greatly depend on her and the state of their relationship.

    That he’s actually asking for info on where to purchase bras suggests to me that he is either putting you on or is focusing on the wrong thing in this dilemma.

    I would direct him to this link for support:


  9. Dear Mistress Starlette, not so sure I can help here….hmm..mind is ticking over…hope the cogs aren’t too loud…not like some mouths…lol.. Well I guess now that he is an ozzy shouldn’t make a lot of difference but I do love how everyone here has tried to help. Michael, great idea with the fishing nets…but…. Flowersun as for offering you g-strings how generous of you…lol. Tania as for saving his marriage maybe it was the wife who drove him to this point? Laurie as for coming out of the closet…I feel this will restrict him to a limited number of choices. Now how can I help…I hear you asking once again ?Mistress Star… With a name like yours…you might have lots of fishnets to share? If not as these are a working girls requirement….only used at night…maybe he can share some with some girls from the cross in Sydney…he can use them during the day and they can use during the night. As Michael said sharing the problem around…. Hmm I’m up in Sydney at the moment I will go check with some of my working girls friends to see if we have any takers. In the mean time I’m sure if he went and baked some muffins or cookies to share it won’t go astray….what do you think Mistress Starlette ? Oh by the way…I do love the way you try to help others who obviously need help but how you can change serious conversations into having a funnier side to life. Love your work as always…I do hope your transvestite friend does decide which side of the fence he really wishes to sit on before he gets splinters in flowersuns g-strings. Much love always Debbie x

  10. Thank heavens I,m not married…I,d hate to think that a wife had been going thru my lingerie drawer and make up accutriments.
    However,on a lighter note..I do believe Target sells DD bras.

    Dont thank me..Just trying to be helpful 🙂

      1. I could suggest ,if I may …that the anonymous gent. Could use the double DD to hold his double jewels ! That way he could still feel feminine without having to come out of the closet !

  11. Thankyou for your input Debbie,it has been most helpful, now what you and your working girls do in Sydney is your own business…..but any fishnets going spare will be gratefully received………. i always endeavour to be helpful but bring a little humour into my replies, helps to lighten the situations somewhat……..I’m sure the gent in question will be very careful of the splinters on the fence, but he has to get off it soon….lol

  12. Not dear Star, not fishy absolutely not, but just a thought of an outsider who wants to help.
    The only alternative I see to my hint seems to be this;

    if he can’t buy them, crochet them.

    You see Star a problem never appears without another problem. For this case where can this gentleman crochet? Not in public, of course not, not at home in front of his wifes eyes, absolutely not. So the only place I see for him will be the closet. But will he be in the position for paying the high electricity bill that will come out?

    Another alternative he may find here: Moulin Rouge, Paris.

    This is all said as a little help for a friend xxxM

    1. Oh , I love the idea of crocheting in the closet ! Not much light it’s needed to light up a closet , a small torch with a rechargeable battery would do the trick and be very affordable ! 🙂

          1. Actually the whole scenario would make a great movie………a good comedy of errors….unless its already been done…….

  13. Hello Michael, thank you for the suggestion on crocheting the stockings, but I have visions of knobbly knees protruding through the holes……..I think the only thing for the tranny to do is to get out the closet, fess up to his wife and take it like a man/women………….