2012? Lord Help Us!

So what is 2012? Satan’s 10,000,000th Birthday? What! I think every crack put got together and agreed on a year, a year to END IT ALL! The Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, Egyptians, Ron Paul Hubbard, Da Vinci, Tammy Baye Faker, Celente……. no Offense intended Shadow :-)….and I could go on and on and on!

The Hollywood producers have Tsunamis swollowing up New York and California, and Asteroids crashing into the earth and the Earth Itself falling in on ITSELF, and strange creatures coming to gobble us up for Heaven Sakes! All this in the year 2012!…………………..S O M E B O D Y …..P L E A S E!! Say something GOOD about the year 2012! Please! Tell me there is going to be a COOKIE BAKING CONVENTION THAT WILL LAST THE ENTIRE YEAR!!! Santa is going to give out FREE PRESENTS all year! The Dentists are going to give 20% Discounts on ROOT CANALS! Men can get a whole year supply of ENZYTES FREE! Something! Anything!

Dear Lord, isn’t there enough disasters, earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, plagues, starvations, floods, tornadoes, mud slides, volcanos, guns in school, bank robberies, murders, notices that you have just won a MILLION DOLLARS from PUBLISHERS’ CLEARING HOUSE,(that you NEVER GET!) and postal workers! Have I left anything out? Listen I can see it now; comes December 31st, 2011 there will be a five-mile-long line of people at each bridge across the world just waiting to JUMP! I am looking more forward to getting this back WISDOM TOOTH extracted than I am the year 2012 NEW YEARS’ DAY, ! When the ball falls, everyone across the planet will shut their blinds, turn out the lights, and take the whole family into the cellar somewhere and crawl up into a FETAL POSITION and stay there hibernating until 2013!

I clearly remember the Y2K madness, when they thought that all the computers were going to come to a standstill and chaos and anarchy would be the soup de jour! My own sister and her husband built a concrete shelter and stocked it with a whole room full of 5 Gallon pails of preserved flour, wheat, beans, nuts vitamins and on and on. Guns, Ammo, batteries up the KAZOO! Poor sis is still gleaning from the 5 Gallon buckets today, giving them away, and they’ve gained so much weight from all the baking!

So here’s what I think! Live for today, plan for tomorrow, do your best, and TRUST GOD FOR THE REST! Some say “Plan for the worst, and hope for the Best”. that’s cool too! Isn’t it true that most of what we worry about never happens at all? And like my dear wife says to me, “Why worry, what can we do about it anyways?”
Yep, some things are just out of our hands (Thank God!) (We’d find some way of screwing them up) Good thing that God doesn’t leave the weather and temperaturres up to MANKIND! There’d be a fight going on over the the THERMOSTAT! Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like in the pot nine days old! I kind of like that song that goes….ahem….meeeeee mmeeeeeee meeeeeee mee meee…… ah!….. “One day at a time, Dear Jesus, That’s all I’m askig of you”…oh darn my G string broke!!!

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  1. Good grief, someone protect us from Tammy Baye Fakers shocking makeup lol. Everyone will want to avoid 2013 and suddenly 2012 will be the year no-one wants to end lol. I am sure there will be wars and famines and rumours of wars and famines, just the normal ho hums of this world, and every day the ticking of the clock will bring the end closer. Life is to short to worry when the world is going to end or what’s around the corner, just enjoy yourself and be happy lol.

  2. Paul?. No offence was taken my friend. I didnt write it, i just came across it and thought it would make a good blog read…wrong!!! LOL. . I enjoyed reading your views. Thanks. :).

  3. I agree with you Paul – there have been dire predictions of calamities and the end of our world for centuries, but we still keep going

    I agree with you Paul – there have been dire predictions of calamities and the end of our world for centuries yet we keep going. Thanks for sharing this blog.

  4. Thank you Waylander, Kiwigirl. Pollie, MacCathy, Shadow and Jojo! I’ve been away today working most fo the day and haven’t had a chance to peek my head in here, but I appreciate your thoughts very much and each and every one of your blogs. Really fun reading! The world is stil turning, the clocks are ticking and I’m getting ready for bed! LOL Love Y’all! Paul