10 things men do that irritate women

So what are those things that some guys do that make their partner feel as if she could burst a vein in her head?
Thinking your driver’s licence is not real. Somehow men just don’t see your driver’s licence as being quite as valid as theirs. Often, they would prefer to drive the whole way – even if it’s 1 500 km – rather than asking you to drive for an hour or two. Point is, percentage-wise, women are involved in far fewer accidents than men are – ask any insurance company.
Assuming the house cleans itself. This is a big one. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but no, wet underwear does not remove itself from the bathroom floor, food does not miraculously appear on the table, or in the fridge, clean and ironed clothes do not get into the cupboard by themselves and the dishes don’t clean by themselves overnight. Someone does all these things. Who do you think it could be? Could it be the other person in the house who also has a nine-to-five job? Wouldn’t it be nice to wash the dishes every now and then without expecting a Nobel Peace Prize for doing it?
Being jealous. It drives women away when men treat them like awaiting-trial prisoners, whose every move is under scrutiny. When men do this, it’s about their own insecurities and their fear of rejection. When a man treats a woman like this, isolating her and accusing her of all sorts of things, he is showing his fear, not his love, and exhibiting what he thinks is his right to treat her like a possession. Most women find relationships like these claustrophobic in the extreme.
Putting their mother on a pedestal. Right, every woman has her bad and good qualities, but he thinks his mother is directly related to the archangel Gabriel. Your cooking, housekeeping skills, social skills, whatever, always fall short in comparison. And any criticism you express of this wondrous creature makes him look as if he’s just been kicked in the teeth by his best friend.
It’s win, win, win, all the way. Life, according to men, is one long competition, in which there are winners and losers. Women tend to be more co-operative and conciliatory by nature. Being fiercely competitive obviously has a place, but not when you’re playing Ludo with your ten-year-old nieces and nephews.
Assuming their spending is necessary and women’s wasteful. The subscription to the golf club is essential – more essential than toothpaste. Many men – there are fortunately exceptions – have no idea what basic household necessities cost. These days it’s very easy to spend a thousand rand on unromantic household necessities like coffee, toilet cleaner, dog food and cereal. The cost of food has spiralled in South Africa in the last year, and it’s not your partner’s fault. She is not wasting money on luxuries.
Rather committing hara-kiri than asking directions. So what’s the deal here? Is a man expected to know all roads leading everywhere, even if he’s not been there before? And what would happen if he stopped and asked someone instead of driving in circles for 45 minutes? Instantaneous combustion? A public whipping? Instant castration? Surely not, but the prospect, for some reason, is as daunting. Almost as daunting as going to see the doctor about their foot that’s starting to look gangrenous.
Wanting to fix things, instead of listening to you. You’ve had a bad day – the twins had diarrhoea, the domestic worker didn’t arrive, but what did arrive was a hefty bill from the Receiver of Revenue. All you want is a sympathetic ear and a pat on the back and a tissue or two, and what do you get? Suggestions about medication, an offering to fire the domestic worker and the telephone number of his tax consultant. OK, that’s kind, but it’s not what you wanted. You wanted a shoulder to cry on.
A thing of beauty forever. Men, who have gone completely bald and who have a beer belly that would have won them the Ventersdorp Mr Boep competition if they had entered, assume that all women still find them attractive and flirt with them accordingly. What’s more, they notice an extra three kilos on their wives – and comment on it. Whatever happened to what was good for the goose, being good for the gander and all that?
They get paid more for doing the same thing. Technically this shouldn’t be the case – after all we have one of the most advanced constitutions in the world, don’t we? But, statitistics still tell the sorry tale of women being stuck in low-paid, heavygoing jobs with low starting salaries and lower low glass ceilings. And, if one asks around, it still happens frequently that men are paid higher starting salaries than women are.
But then, to balance all this out, there are the bear hugs when you really need them, the sorting out of the dent in your car, the e-mail just to tell you he loves you and the graciousness with which he deals with your difficult mother. :).

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    1. lol lolomeowsie . If i had them pegged i dont think i would have the guts to have posted the blog! it was sheer bravery on my part lol. Thanks for passing by and commenting. :).

  1. All that has to be done to balance these irritations is to give a bear hug, oversee a few dents, generate scheduled complimentary emails, and pretend that the mother in law is difficult?
    Now they tell me!

  2. shads i think way has got it in one for me hahaha!!! and the best way to a mans heart is thro’ his hankie pocket with a bread knife!! (only kidding guys!!!) 🙂

  3. Maybe some men are like that. But I do many chores, don’t get jealous, don’t expect my wife to cook or clean but rather hire a cleaning service and order out, and try to look good even at the age of 68. Neither to I ever comment on my wife gaining a few pounds, because she looks great anyway. I don’t know where you got this stuff, shadow, but it reeks of stereotype thinking!

    1. You seem offended jay?. Sorry about that. The blog was posted with tongue in cheek, as are most of my post, and in no way was i having a go at men becouse i know there are many, many good guys who are not like the one’s i blogged about, i married one!.

  4. I love my hubby, we share everything, working together, housework, doggie walks etc, sure we have differences, what do you expect from two intelligent people. Sorry I don’t like men being rubbished, nor do I like women being rubbished.

  5. shads i took this as tounge in cheek getting at men post? so i took it as been funny!! maybe i am wrong but i dont think so. yes i did find it funny and my wife would maybe agree with a few things here to!! made me laugh shads so no worries hee hee!!

  6. Thats my boy jcb lol, along with Way, i knew you would take this in the spirit it was meant ‘ tongue in cheek’. It didnt accure to me that it would be taken any other way…sure is a learning site….S/C i mean. always good to see you comment and tell your wife…she has a gooden in you..not that she needs to be told.from me! lol. :).

  7. Oh dear…so much of this is true Shadow…bless ’em…..of course we need them though where would we be without them. My man has a lots of the above traits but not all….we are a team….he has strenghths and weaknesses…the same as everyone…but to be fair…no….he is the King here in Morvland..well he must be ’cause I am the Queen!!!Thanks for the post Shadow.

    XXXX M