Mom and Dad in God We Trust

Mom and Dad,

I just need to ask if I have any Hispanic/Mexican heritage…( please say yes). I know I have some Indian- They were here first I’m told but they said because she did not have a number- my son and I got no benefit.

Never really cared about that until now. In these “united states” you just need to be anything but white. Go figure!
They have relief programs for that with this president.
However if you are just white and have roots in this country forever and paid your dues you just pay for the ones that don’t. At the age of 61 I have very few choices.

Electoral vote of under 10 states beats popular vote of the rest. There is something wrong here./

I am so sad..I know it is still the best country in the world to live in but I made too many mistakes I guess. Just is becoming so hard to do by self.
But you know what- still better then living under a bridge! I am a survivor…just don’t want to live forever if I can’t pay for it.

But I believe and trust in God as far as anything in my life and that has never let me down and know he won’t let me down now.
God makes/gives miracles! Thank God I have been a receiver of some of those!
But of course you have to look for and expect miracles to receive them. I look for them and count on them everyday! He is my strength. The government is not. Thank God I do not have to rely on the govermutt! ha ha.. I am sure they won’t be there in my time of need anyway… I am just white. I only have Scottish, Irish, English, German,and Swedish in my blood. My pedigree says I will not go down without a fight

Your loving daughter

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    1. Yes most of us in the US looking at the red on the map are scratching our heads still. Looks like you only have to go after a few states and the rest are not important. I live dead center of the unimportant! haha.

      The amount of money spent on both sides could have helped so many things here but was spent almost 2-1 amount for the same guy that help put us trillions in debt in the last 4 years.

      Thank you for your response. I really appreciated it.

  1. Okidy you are right on the money! I couldn’t have said that any better. The electoral system needs to GO.
    I too am in a red state and am scratching my head as to why I voted. They say every vote counts. Does it? They say welfare is good. For who? They say America is about opportunity and freedom. It is?
    They say we live in a democracy. Oh really? They say they are for capitalism. I am not even going there.
    They say all races are equal. What am I chopped liver? I know this sounds foolish but then again we have foolishness in our White House…. Thank you okldy for that post. You are the best 🙂

    1. Thank you for your response. This was actually posted before the one that made me so popular/unpopular. I was very distraught. Becoming old in the US is definately not for Pussy’s. Kinda makes me think of the movie ” Soylent Green” When you outlive your usefullness .. ( you become a certain age) you have to go and take another pill, (very special pill because it takes you back to how things used to be so you can have one last remembrace for a few minutes before they throw you in the fire) Another less mouth to feed. Of course all are living on pills at that time….because the world just could not play in the same sandbox. That in my opinion is the greatest problem- too many lives lost defending what this democracy has become…But this is just 1 okldy ranting and I certainly do not have a solution except if you are a believer in God I would hope you will pray like I do that things will become better. I really don’t care at this point who makes it better. “just do what you say, and say what you mean” has been my motto forever. Hopefully these guys will come to an agreement on some things in the next 4 years. Just really hard to do when you look at the red and blue on the map I guess. LOL

  2. I’ve given myself until Tuesday night to be outwardly pissed about the election. That leaves me just enough time to get a few more good rants in until I try to find my center again and make a new plan. Seeing that you guys have done such a good job of expressing my sentiments this evening, I will say ‘good night’ and live to rant another day. Namaste’