Cheers from Germany

Hi to all my friends on chatters …yes I am in freezing Munich …it’s snowing here! It’s so exciting!..
Well it is for me because it doesn’t snow in Melbourne lol .
I flew in from Singapore where the weather was sticking hot.. But I had a great time. For all of you who have visited Singapore would know that you don’t go to Singapore and not visit Sentosa Island…so I kept on with the tradition and went and had an amazing time !
So now here in Germany I’m doing my best to keep warm ….drinking lots of mulled wine yumm!,
And checking out the Christmas markets… Just looking…not buying …to expensive …
I hope all it ‘s well with everyone at chatters.
Love you all!

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  1. Thank you everyone for your kind wishes…I’m in Paris now. And it’s raining.. But not to cold for now…tonight I’m going to try and see Paris at night to se all the twinkling lights and see if I can get in the Christmas spirit…so far I’ve been to tired to go out at night.traveling it’s pretty hectic …I forgot that I’m old!!…lol lol lol

  2. Norma, Hope the rain stops and you get to see all the twinking lights of Paris. You trip so far sounds like you are having a great time. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay well and safe also.

  3. Norma, it sounds like you’re having a wonderful holiday! You deserve it – and I’m dying to hear of your adventures when you get back home. Merry Christmas.