All i want for Christmas……..

Hi everyone, what would you love to find beneath your Christmas tree on Christmas day……… maybe something you always wanted as a child but never received, something frilly and fanciful, a ticket for a show you have always wanted to see, a chance to see one of your favourite singers in concert, an all inclusive dream holiday…Ahhhhh !!…………anything really, excluding good health and all the usual stuff, we all hope for that……..for me it would be the kind of walking doll I had as a child, use to get one every year, usually bride dolls whose hair was never made for combing alas……..may come across one again someday, probs in a dolls museum somewhere……’s wishing…..

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  1. Star I think I know the dolls you are talking about. I still have one which I got for my 5th birthday. After all the years of mistreating it (as kids do) it finally got to go to the dolls hospital where it got lovely brushable hair now and new make-up. Sadly it sits on the top of my wardrobe, out of sight as it seems no-one wants her any more. I had hopes of it becoming something I could pass down through my family but daughters then eventually grand daughters were not interested.

    1. I always wanted a doll house and a train set. However, where would I put them as I’ve downsized so much that one more downsizing and I’ll be living just in the bathroom. LOL
      Faye, I do know what you mean about passing things down. I have so much that no one wants but I do have the original Barbie doll and she needs the doll hospital, too. I will pass that to my grandniece when she is 5. At 3, she has current Barbie’s, but she is so careless with them at this age, so I must wait 2 years.
      I have a China tea set that is from Austria and belonged to a great aunt that my grandmother gave to me when I was 5. At that age, I knew it was something so special. I still have it and have protected it all my life! I hope when I pass that to my niece she will know it’s something “special” and protect it for the rest of her life too, but, somehow…I doubt it. What to do?

      1. Over the years like you Lo I have toyed with the idea of having a dolls house, would love to shop for furniture and design it……….but who would want it after I depart the mortal coil..??………when my daughter was small I had her one made, it was furnished in the old Colonial style, everything hand made, think she was to young to appreciate it and it got pretty much destroyed………stuff like that I think for adults only…….live and learn I guess……..but my son had all the train layouts built, well think they were done for his dad really……lol

        1. Hi geeljay, well I could certainly set you up with everything you could possible need for a train layout……….but my grandson is hanging onto it for later life, in the meantime its all packed away in boxes in a bedroom……..I tell you there are some right fanatical anoraks go to the Train exhibitions…… not being one of them……….I went under sufferance……

  2. What time have you in mind Star???? Childhood time was for me between 1945 – 1955, the post war time if you like. The time from 1948 to 1951 was coined by the total effort of the adults to get somthing decent on the table to eat and warm clothes to wear.

    It must have been 1951 or 1952 when I got a young German shepherd as a gift from a farmer nearby who didn’t want to kill it. I had to help on the farm when ever there was time left to do it. The farmer offered me food for my dog in reverse for my little help which really was challenging in fall in special.

    Years later when I was about 12/13ys old I got a bike which I dreamed of for Christmas.
    A hard time, a good time that was cos I learned a lot which I could and still can make use of in my life.

    An aunt of mine had the dexterity of making dolls for the little girls in the Kindergarden mostly if I’m right she produced brown teddy bears of which I got a tiny one to hang on my bike.

    Very good blog of yours Star. Thank you for it. xxxM

  3. Hello Michael………well in days gone by gifts were given for Birthdays and Christmas and were much appreciated……….now days I see toys being bought every week for children in the supermarkets and given to them as soon as they are paid for, and I am not talking small toys but large expensive items, as a child I wouldn’t know what “Santa” would be bringing me, it invariably turned out to be a doll but i was always excited about it……….seems lots of children today know exactly what they will receive, they have written their very long list………..sign of the times I guess, but where has the anticipation and surprise element gone….xxx

    1. It’s so true and right what you’ve been saying Star. Those items you mention
      are mostly bought by the parents to keep the kids quiet I think?
      When I remember back my parents had to save up money for purchases, gifts
      holiday even for unexspected situations like illnesses or funeral etc.
      That could have been the same in the UK as I presume.

      My mom used to make lists for each member of the family containing needs
      and wishes where as needs came first.
      So none of us knew what Santa would bring at all and the surprise element
      was there until the curtain was lifted.
      What a wonderful time that was! xxxM

  4. All i want for Christmas! I hate it! its when I feel the most loneliness, but to find a real friend would be a real find but it won’t happen after near 30 years as a carer and not one friend what should i expect ?

    1. Wish I could wave a magic wand for you Woodsie but alas I cannot………or for the many thousands of others who are in a similar situation, and those who live alone and will have no company at all………if we know anyone in this situation maybe reach out a helping hand in one way or another……..

      1. I am happy to hear of all the childhood things and that some of you never outgrew them. I have finally gotten to the point where I know that I have more than enough and really don’t expect any Christmas magic, but if I really want something I go out and get it whenever it is. It is wonderful to receive gifts but I don’t stress myself out and expect it for any occasion. At holidays and special days, I am happy to have food and a friend or a family member and I focus on that. I have dispensed with giving or getting a miracle. I do get them and the day does not matter. I need to focus on giving and I need to start with the Christmas baking.

  5. Hi Rose, in all honesty there really isn’t anything I need, but my daughter adores Christmas and refuses to listen to my pleas to not buy me anything, so Christmas day morning is spent giving and receiving presents which actually is very nice, and there are always some fun presents too………. the men are the hardest to buy for, and I don’t think they really would be to phased if they didn’t receive anything……..I think maybe it us women that put the pressure on……..we just love to give ourselves more work to do……..

  6. This might sound blase” but i would like more than anything to get a newspaper delivered Christmas eve with the headlines .PEACE ON EARTH, ” ALL CONFLICTS AROUND THE WORLD HAVE NOW CEASED”
    i don’t need anything for myself . but i would like to see all refugees from around the word to be able to go home and raise their families with peace, food and a roof over their heads again..
    For all wars to cease, for all Governments to start thinking of their returned service personell who have returned from those conflicts, the poor ,the aged and make sure there is housing for all so there are no more homeless people .
    Am I talking of Utopia ? i hope not . these things are achievable. if all Governments had a like mind …… what a wonderful gift Christmas morning that would be ……

  7. Hello Lani
    Of all the responses to what would you like for Christmas – yours stands out – and I join you and say “If Only” but I fear the world as it stands will only continue to roll into near oblivion.
    Has there ever been a time of so much distress around the world, and I include in this the dreadful time suffered by all involved in the last world war!

  8. alli want for xmasis to be safe nd sound in mynew home with good woman love and thoughtsoff meeting asoul mate here being safe frm danger and save frm the thought that my sister andneace is safe