Thoughts on old neighbors (Webster spelling for you Yanks).

In the wake of “ships that pass in the night” there is often an effervecent glow in the water. Such is it with true ties -people we have come to love in a short period of time often “sail on” as do we of course.
This blog is for such people. Many come to mind, however, I will focus on a couple in California our next door neighbors in Santa Monica, who lived next door to a family of Swedish immigrants – us to be specific!,
Long after the effervecent glow of our passing ships has faded I still reflect on the fact that they were a “Banner” for American generosity, thoughtfulness, and empathy.
I just thought I would thank them, and you other “Yanks” for our 5 years in the US.
From one grateful “Limey” to you “yanks”
Luvs yer!

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  1. Dave, I am glad you had a happy experience with your Santa Monica neighbores. I lived near there for a while and it was easy to make friends there then. Most people were young and left family and friends behind and there were pools to gather around and get acquainted. Californians were our best Americans or some of them.

  2. Dave,my old neighbours became my life long friends, the Children went to the same colleges , married at nearly the same time ,were each others bridesmaids, etc: and started their families about the same time and now they are lifelong friends, it goes on and on, my friends became my extended family, we are all still friends to this day , even though some of us moved away and then returned , I love them all like sisters and brothers ….we meet up for a luncheon every two weeks , swap stories ,etc: so here’s to genuine neighbours and friends…..xxxxxxx