All members of Senior Chatters have full access to our popular Senior Blog Network. If you don’t care much for live chatting and you prefer to engage in posted articles instead, then Blogging will be perfect for you.
You can access our Senior Blog Network any time, simply by logging in as normal and clicking on the Blogs link at the top of any page. From there you’ll be able to read all of our member contributed Senior Blog posts, and be able to comment on the ones that you find most interesting.
How do you fancy starting your own Senior Blog?
Now, don’t think for a minute that you have to be a world-famous author in order to contribute to our Senior Blogs, you don’t. Your Blog can literally be about anything you like. Just so long as it’s something that you find interesting, and therefore would likely appeal to our senior chat community. Blogging is a fantastic way to build up a truly dedicated following of people who enjoy reading what you have to say.
Here’s how to start your own Senior Blog:
- Login to Senior Chatters
- Hover your mouse over the Blog menu link at the top of any page
- Click on the Write button to create a new Senior Blog post
How to Write Your Own Senior Chatters Blog
Take Home Tips
1) Blogging is a great way to engage with the Senior Chatters community
2) Your Blog can be about anything you find interesting and will likely appeal to our community
3) You can access any of your previously written Blogs from the My Blog link